

Mayor Achievements Contractor

Planning studies for the future energy supply and for Medium Voltage Distribution System in the city of Neuquén.

  • The projection of the total demand of energy and power.
  • Technical and economical analysis of growth in the existing Centers of Transformation and Distribution MV/MV, the 13,2/13,2 kV ones as well as the 33 /13,2 kV ones.
  • Technical and economical analysis of the placement and construction of 132/33/13,2 kV Substations.
  • Preparation of budgets and chronograms of works and investments that arise from the Planning Study.

Cooperativa CALF

Planning studies of the Electrical Supply System of the cities of Gral. Pico and 25 de Mayo. Plan of Works and Investments.

    • Purpose: to determine the Plan of Works and Investments for the network of the Province of La Pampa, property of the Administración Provincial de Energía (APE – Provincial Management of Energy), in order to guarantee the supply to the city of Gral. Pico and its influence area under the responsibility of the local distributors.

Administración Provincial de Energía. La Pampa

Design of Measurement Campaign for Characterization of the Demand for Energía San Juan (San Juan Energy), within the framework of the Tariff Revision of period 2006-2010.

Energía San Juan S.A.

Manual of Reference Technical Specifications for Works of Rationalization of Urban and Rural Networks of Medium and Low Voltage.

Servicios Eléctricos Sanjuaninos S.E.

Financing Study of the Provincial Electricity Sector. A Costs Manual of Distribution Installations, studies of electricity demand for each Province of the Republic of Argentina and development of methodologies to be applied in the conduction of the studies were carried out.

  • Preparation of the Investments and Work plan of Ushuaia, Río Grande and Tolhuin, Province of Tierra del Fuego.

Consejo Federal de la Energía Eléctrica (CFEE) de Argentina.

Characterization of the electricity demand and power per bus, and determination of the temporary growing with a horizon of 10 years in the Central Interconnected System (CIS) of Chile, for which the following specific objectives are set:

  1. Preparation of a methodological procedure for the demand projection per bus in the Interconnected System.
  2. To perform the projections of the localized demand through the CIS buses for the next 10 years.
  3. c- Establishing the updating mechanism for the projections per type of consume, in order to be able to perform the corresponding corrections in a proper, efficient and permanent method.

Comisión Nacional de Energía (CNE) de Chile

Calculation of VNR (Replacement New Value - RNV) of Electrical Supply Bariloche – Province of Río Negro. Proposal of alternatives, electrical studies and determination of costs of transference according to RNV.

EPRE - Río Negro. Ente Provincial Regulador de la Electricidad.

Surveying of electrical installations of EDELAR S.A. and digitalization of the information in a Geographical Electrical base (System SIPRE-CAD), obtaining as a final result the digitalized electrical network in geographical drawings with indication of their technical data, geographical identification of each one of the users connected to the network, influence areas of each Transformation Post MV/LV and identification of users associated to each post, inventory of installations.


Analysis of Incidence of the Technical Standards of Quality of Electrical Service (NTCSE) in the Distribution network of EDELNOR and Luz del Sur.


Planning Studies of the Reactive Power of CALF. Definition of an installation plan of capacitors banks in the network of medium and low voltage that supplies the city of Neuquén.

CALF – (Cooperativa de Distribución Eléctrica de Neuquén).
